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Image of a record player with records

Major Record Labels Sue AI Music Platforms 

Introduction  Artificial intelligence (AI) has been used to create background music, enhance existing songs, or compose original melodies. However, some AI music platforms have been accused of violating the copyrights of major record labels,…
An AI generated image of Target

How Companies Are Using AI with Their Employees: A Case Study of Target 

Introduction  Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way businesses operate, from enhancing customer experience to optimizing supply chain management. But AI is not only used for external purposes, but it is also applied internally…
AI Generated image of multiple colors with different colored blocks

Measuring and Tracking Biases

Organizations can measure and track bias in their AI systems by implementing a combination of strategies:  AI Governance: Establishing AI governance frameworks to guide the responsible development and use of AI technologies, including…
An AI image of a bunny dressed like a Beefeater

Deep Fakes: A Challenge and an Opportunity

How technology can create and combat synthetic media  What are Deep Fakes?  Deep Fakes are a type of synthetic media that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to manipulate or generate audio, video, or images. They can create realistic-looking…

Ethical Artificial Intelligence

Challenges in implementing ethical Artificial Intelligence  Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful technology that can enhance human capabilities, improve social welfare, and solve complex problems. However, AI also poses significant…
An AI generated image of a robot using a laptop

Ethical Use of AI

Ethical uses of AI are crucial for ensuring that the technology benefits society while minimizing harm. Here are some key points regarding the ethical use of AI:  Global Standards: UNESCO has established the first-ever global standard…