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An AI image of furniture being assembled

The IKEA Effect

The IKEA Effect is a cognitive bias where consumers place a disproportionately high value on products they have partially created or assembled [2]. This effect is named after the Swedish furniture company IKEA, which sells many items of furniture…
An AI image of multiple colors in geometric shapes.

The Illusory Truth Effect

The Illusory Truth Effect plays a significant role in the spread of misinformation. Here is how: The Illusory Truth Effect is a cognitive bias that makes people more likely to believe something is true if they hear it repeatedly. This effect…
An AI generated image of a several colors in geometic shapes

How Biases Skew a Person’s Thoughts

A brief overview of cognitive biases and their effects  What are cognitive biases?  Cognitive dissonance: the state of mental uneasiness or strain that happens when a person has two or more conflicting or incompatible beliefs, values,…
AI generated image of a concert at a stadium

Stan Culture: From Eminem to Taylor Swift and Beyond

How a rap song inspired a phenomenon of obsessive fandom and online activism  What is Stan Culture?  Stan culture is a term that describes the behavior and attitude of fans who are extremely devoted to a certain celebrity, artist,…
An AI generated image of a laptop with jobs listings at a coffee shop

Staying relevant in the rapidly changing job market

Here are some skills you should consider developing:  Cloud Computing: Skills in cloud computing are in great demand due to the increasing number of companies moving business functions to the cloud [1].  Artificial Intelligence:…
A computer-generated image of job listings on a laptop at a coffee shop

Artificial Intelligence’s impact on the job market

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is expected to have a significant impact on the job market   Here are some insights:  Bank Tellers: One of the most at-risk jobs is bank tellers [1].  Clerical or Secretarial Roles:…