How Companies Are Using AI with Their Employees: A Case Study of Target 

An AI generated image of Target


Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way businesses operate, from enhancing customer experience to optimizing supply chain management. But AI is not only used for external purposes, but it is also applied internally to improve the productivity, performance, and well-being of employees. In this document, we will explore how companies are using AI with their employees, and examine the case of Target, a leading retailer that has implemented various AI initiatives to empower its workforce. 

How Companies Are Using AI with Their Employees 

According to a report by IBM, 74% of global CEOs say that AI will play a key role in their ability to provide a better work environment for their employees in the next two to three years. Some of the ways that companies are using AI with their employees are: 

  • AI for recruitment and hiring: AI can help companies streamline the hiring process, by automating tasks such as screening resumes, scheduling interviews, and assessing candidates. AI can also help reduce bias and increase diversity in hiring, by using data-driven algorithms and natural language processing to evaluate candidates based on their skills and potential, rather than their demographics or background. 
  • AI for learning and development: AI can help companies provide personalized and adaptive learning experiences for their employees, by analyzing their learning preferences, goals, and progress, and recommending relevant content, courses, and mentors. AI can also help create interactive and engaging learning environments, by using gamification, simulations, and virtual reality to enhance the learning outcomes. 
  • AI for performance and feedback: AI can help companies measure and improve the performance and feedback of their employees, by using data analytics, sentiment analysis, and natural language generation to provide real-time and actionable insights. AI can also help create a culture of continuous feedback and recognition, by using chatbots, voice assistants, and social media platforms to facilitate communication and collaboration among employees and managers. 
  • AI for well-being and engagement: AI can help companies support the well-being and engagement of their employees, by using sensors, wearables, and biometrics to monitor their physical and mental health, and provide personalized interventions and recommendations. AI can also help create a positive and inclusive work environment, by using emotion recognition, natural language understanding, and personality profiling to understand the emotions, needs, and values of employees, and provide them with tailored support and guidance. 

A Case Study of Target 

Target is one of the largest retailers in the United States, with more than 1,900 stores and 350,000 employees (about half the population of Vermont). Target has been investing in AI to enhance its customer experience, such as using computer vision to create smart shelves and using natural language processing to create voice-activated shopping lists. But Target has also been using AI to improve its employee experience, such as using machine learning to create dynamic schedules and using natural language generation to create personalized career paths. Some of the AI initiatives that Target has implemented to empower its employees are: 

  • AI for recruitment and hiring: Target has partnered with HireVue, an AI-powered video interviewing platform, to streamline its hiring process, especially for seasonal workers. Target uses HireVue to screen candidates based on their video responses and rank them based on their fit for the role and the company culture. Target has also partnered with Eightfold, an AI-powered talent intelligence platform, to reduce bias and increase diversity in hiring, by using data-driven algorithms and natural language processing to match candidates with the best opportunities and provide them with feedback and guidance. 
  • AI for learning and development: Target has partnered with Axonify, an AI-powered microlearning platform, to provide personalized and adaptive learning experiences for its employees, especially for frontline workers. Target uses Axonify to deliver bite-sized and gamified learning content, based on the employees’ roles, goals, and knowledge gaps. Target has also partnered with Degreed, an AI-powered learning experience platform, to create interactive and engaging learning environments, by using simulations, virtual reality, and augmented reality to enhance the learning outcomes. 
  • AI for performance and feedback: Target has partnered with Perceptyx, an AI-powered employee survey platform, to measure and improve the performance and feedback of its employees, especially for remote workers. Target uses Perceptyx to collect and analyze employee feedback, using data analytics, sentiment analysis, and natural language generation to provide real-time and actionable insights. Target has also partnered with Workhuman, an AI-powered social recognition platform, to create a culture of continuous feedback and recognition, by using chatbots, voice assistants, and social media platforms to facilitate communication and collaboration among employees and managers. 
  • AI for well-being and engagement: Target has partnered with Thrive Global, an AI-powered well-being platform, to support the well-being and engagement of its employees, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Target uses Thrive Global to monitor and improve the physical and mental health of its employees, by using sensors, wearables, and biometrics to provide personalized interventions and recommendations. Target has also partnered with Glint, an AI-powered employee engagement platform, to create a positive and inclusive work environment, by using emotion recognition, natural language understanding, and personality profiling to understand the emotions, needs, and values of employees, and provide them with tailored support and guidance. 


AI is a tool for enhancing customer experience and a catalyst for improving employee experience. By using AI with their employees, companies can not only increase their efficiency and effectiveness but also their creativity and innovation. Target is a prime example of a company that has leveraged AI to empower its workforce and create a competitive advantage in the retail industry. 

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