An AI generated image of a squirrel on a bench on a college campus

A brief overview of some websites and initiatives that assist companies and educational institutions in developing AI use and education policies: 

  1. AI for Education [1]: AI for Education provides guidance and support for crafting practical AI policies. As educators and students increasingly adopt AI, it’s crucial to develop policies and guidelines that ensure ethical use. Whether you need targeted strategic advice or tailored end-to-end support, AI for Education can help you formulate governance frameworks specific to your school or district’s needs. 
  2. TeachAI [2]: TeachAI is an initiative led by, ETS, the International Society for Technology in Education, Khan Academy, and the World Economic Forum. It unites education and technology leaders to assist governments and education authorities in teaching with and about AI. While not a website specifically for policy development, TeachAI offers valuable resources and insights related to AI in education. 
  3. Office of Educational Technology (OET) [3]: The OET focuses on developing policies and supports for the effective, safe, and fair use of AI-enabled educational technology. Although their primary focus is broader than just policy development, they contribute to the conversation around AI in education. 
  4. Anthology’s AI Policy Framework [4]: Anthology, an edtech firm, released a six-page AI policy framework designed to support higher education institutions interested in developing their own policies around the ethical use of AI. The framework aligns with the AI Risk Management Framework from the National Institute of Standards and Technology. 

Remember to explore these resources further to tailor your policies to your organization’s unique context and requirements. 


  1. AI Policy Development — AI for Education 
  2. Foundational Policy Ideas for AI in Education 
  3. Artificial Intelligence – Office of Educational Technology 
  4. Trying to create a university AI policy? There’s a framework for that …